Extract from Deep in The Eye and The Belly (Chapter 5) by Artist Sam Williams | Makeup by Rie Gibson
Chains of Love | A Short Film/Commercial for Fair Trade Rose
Deep in the Eye and the Belly (Chapter 4) | Film by Artist Sam Williams | | Performers: BullyAche | Makeup Rie Gibson | Hair Tommy Stayton | Photography Harry Mitchell
Deep in the Eye and the Belly (Chapter 4) | Film by Artist Sam Williams | | Performers: BullyAche | Makeup Rie Gibson | Hair Tommy Stayton | Photography Harry Mitchell
MOWALOLA Spring Summer 2024 Show | London Fashion Week | Makeup by Me on Model Harry Ryan | Key Makeup Artist: Isamaya Ffrench
MOWALOLA Spring Summer 2024 Show | London Fashion Week | Makeup by Me on Model Harry Ryan | Key Makeup Artist: Isamaya Ffrench
Extract from Deep in The Eye and The Belly (Chapter 5) by Artist Sam Williams | Makeup by Rie Gibson
Amazon Prime Original Series: Carnival Row Season 2 | Cara Delevigne (Vignette) with Fae Wings for court scene on set - I worked as a part of the team running fae wings in the workshop. During filming, my main role was on-set maintenance with wings for cast members & background extras.
Fae Wings | Worked a part of the team running various fae wings for cast members & backgrounds for Amazon Prime Original Series Carnival Row Season 1 | Makeup Effects Designer: Nick Dudman
Silicone prosthetics makeup application for background ‘Puck’ characters during Carnival Row season 1 for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department
Silicone prosthetics makeup application for background ‘Puck’ characters during Carnival Row season 1 for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department
Fae Wings | Worked a part of the team running various fae wings for cast members & backgrounds for Amazon Prime Original Series Carnival Row Season 1 | Makeup Effects Designer: Nick Dudman
Silicone prosthetics makeup application for background ‘Puck’ characters during Carnival Row season 1 for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department
Silicone prosthetics makeup application for background ‘Puck’ characters during Carnival Row season 1 for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department
Fae Wings | Worked a part of the team running various fae wings for cast members & backgrounds for Amazon Prime Original Series Carnival Row Season 1 | Makeup Effects Designer: Nick Dudman
Silicone prosthetics makeup application for background ‘Puck’ characters during Carnival Row season 1 for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department
Silicone prosthetics makeup application for background ‘Puck’ characters during Carnival Row season 1 for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department
Puck Silicone Prosthetic Forehead Piece Painted by me for Amazon Prime Original Series ‘Carnival Row’ Season 2
PUCK HORNS | Puck horns painted by me for Amazon Prime Original Series ‘Carnival Row’ Season 2
Puck Silicone Prosthetic Forehead Piece Painted by me for Amazon Prime Original Series ‘Carnival Row’ Season 2
PUCK HORNS | Puck horns painted by me for Amazon Prime Original Series ‘Carnival Row’ Season 2
PUCK HORNS | Puck Horns Painted by me for Amazon Prime Original Series ‘Carnival Row’ Season 2
Kallo character silicone bald cap test piece for Amazon Prime Original Series: Carnival Row | - hair punched by me | images taken before hair cut & styled | Makeup Effects Designer: Nick Dudman
Kallo character silicone bald cap test piece for Amazon Prime Original Series: Carnival Row | - hair punched by me | images taken before hair cut & styled | Makeup Effects Designer: Nick Dudman
Kallo character silicone bald cap test piece for Amazon Prime Original Series: Carnival Row | - hair punched by me | images taken before hair cut & styled | Makeup Effects Designer: Nick Dudman
Silicone Dummy Bodies Painting | Amazon Prime Original Series Carnival Row Season 1 Worked as a part of the team for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department painting silicone dummy bodies
Puck Ears Silicone Prosthetic | Pre painted silicone prosthetic pieces for Carnival Row Season 1 (Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department)
Silicone Dummy Bodies Painting | Amazon Prime Original Series Carnival Row Season 1 Worked as a part of the team for Nick Dudman’s Makeup Effects Department painting silicone dummy bodies
A scene from ‘Circles’ | A Short Film Directed by Dean Puckett
Trauma wound silicone prosthetic makeup application and colouring (silicone prosthetic piece by monstersfx)